Sunday, June 5, 2011

welcome to my weekend.

27 essays, written soigneusement. A rubric that took three hours to create. The culmination of a thematic novel study, conceived at Reading for the Love of It (thank you Kelly Gallagher), meticulously planned by yours truly and her amazing co-teacher, consisting of reading groups, les étiquettes détaillées, les organigrammes géants, think-pair-shares and just about every other DI buzzword out there.

It is a beautiful thing.

First up, the lovely and talented Tayzia.

editors note:

ok, so this weekend ended up not being entirely about my dissertations. I went to the movies on Saturday and wound up having a massage on Sunday… both actions, however, were justified seeing as it was for my grandmother that I went to the movies (it was raining and cold and she wanted to see Bridesmaids) and the massage was warranted as I’ve been in a fair bit of back pain for the past three weeks.

I still managed to get all of my marking done. GO TEAM!

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