Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year, New Plan

So it appears as though everyone has something to blog about as of late. Everyone with the possible exception of my little cousin, who is not blogging not for a lack of things to blog about but rather because, upon her return from Australia, seems to have been sucked into a vortex of misery and despair. Of course, I can neither confirm nor deny this suspicion as she is also no longer replying to any attempts made at communication...

But I digress.

Everyone who's anyone seems to have something to blog about these days. Even those who don't have a blog could blog should they so desire. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck...

My point being, everyone has something to blog about. And I, alas, do not.

Due to this fact I have spent the last week planning my descent into hermit-dom. This essentially involves locking oneself in one's bedroom, eating copious amounts of chocolate, engaging in countless DDR tournaments (with oneself, of course)and wallowing in self-pity.

Today, however, I have seen the light.

Today I have decided to emerge from the cocoon of solitude, vanquish the soul-wrenching sorrow I feel at having to return to work tomorrow, turn off tournament mode (I have yet to move beyond basic anyway) and suck it up.

Today I have developed a plan.

First part of the plan?



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